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Currency exchange services. GBP to EUR

Currency exchange

For all your travel money needs

Travelex, our currency exchange partner, provides ATMs throughout the terminal, serving all of our departing and arriving passengers.

ATMs are now available throughout the terminal.

Travelex currency exchange

Need convenient currency for your trip abroad? Look no further! All you need to do is head to our Travelex ATMs for instant cash in euros or pounds.

Travelex currency exchange - Pounds
Travelex currency exchange - Euros

Coming soon – ATM Click & Collect

A great option for the organised traveller. You will be able to pre-order U.S Dollars or Euros online, receive great rates and collect your cash contact free from one of our ATMs at Southend.

Where to find us

Travelex ATMs are located throughout London Southend Airport terminal.

More information

Visit the Travelex website for help and answers to frequently asked questions.